Proper Mowing Heights for Popular Grass Types

Maintaining the perfect lawn isn't just about watering and fertilizing; mowing at the correct height is crucial for healthy grass. Here’s a simple guide to help you determine the best mowing heights for four popular grass types in Raleigh, enhancing the beauty and sustainability of your lawn.

Tall Fescue

Ideal Mowing Height: 3 to 3.5 inches Tall fescue thrives when kept at a taller height, which helps establish deep roots and retain soil moisture. This height also helps shade the soil, reducing weed growth and preserving moisture during the hot months.

Kentucky Bluegrass

Ideal Mowing Height: 2.5 to 3 inches Kentucky bluegrass prefers slightly lower heights than tall fescue. This cool-season grass is best maintained at about 2.5 to 3 inches to promote dense turf that can resist weeds and diseases.

Bermuda Grass

Ideal Mowing Height: 1 to 1.5 inches Bermuda grass is a warm-season grass that loves sunlight and heat. It should be kept short, typically between 1 and 1.5 inches, to encourage a lush, green appearance and prevent scalping.

Zoysia Grass

Ideal Mowing Height: 1 to 2 inches Zoysia is versatile when it comes to mowing heights but keeping it between 1 and 2 inches tends to yield the best results. This height allows Zoysia to form a dense carpet that resists weeds and tolerates heat.

Why Mow at These Heights?

Mowing your grass at the appropriate height helps it resist pests and diseases, reduces the need for chemical treatments, and keeps your lawn looking its best. Adjusting your mower to the right setting is a simple yet effective way to improve the health and appearance of your lawn.

For professional advice tailored to your specific lawn needs, consider Sustainable Service. We specialize in eco-friendly and sustainable lawn care practices that not only beautify your space but also promote a healthier environment.


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